"Amid the chaos of war, the Shadowhunters must decide to fight with the vampires, werewolves and other Downworlders - or against them. Meanwhile, Jace and Clary have their own decision to make: should they pursue the love they know is forbidden?"
This is the final book in the first Mortal Instruments trilogy and picks up just after the end of the events of City of Ashes. Clary is after a cure for her mom, and she discovers that someone who may know about the cure exists, in Idris home of the Shadowhunters. But Jace doesn't want her going and does what he can to stop her getting there. But Clary being Clary, she gets herself there anyway, ignoring all advice from those who know so much more than her. It doesn't take the young Shadowhunters long to realise things are worse than expected in Alicante and that Valentine is very close to achieving exactly what he wants.
It was clear from near the end of the second book to readers what the outcome of the Clary/Jace situation would be. And yet, it becomes the all consuming storyline through this book, with other things being pushed to the side for it, and you have to wonder why they didn't figure it out long, long before they did. The tension that should have been there wasn't, because it was far too obvious what was going to happen and Clary and Jace just repeated the same things over and over getting ever more tiresome.
Clary's inability to learn to listen to those around her who have far more experience with what she's dealing with has become annoying as well. The character death that occurs in this book should have been hard hitting, but it's quickly pushed aside for more angst in the Clary, Jace camp. There is a flashback scene in Valentines house which is well done and one of the few highlights of the book. Otherwise, the book is very predictable with few surprises along the way. It's pretty easy reading so you can finish pretty quick despite it's length, and I still liked it, but it could have been better. The main plots get well wrapped up come the end, but there are a few subplots that get just partially wrapped up very briefly. But things aren't so neat that there's no space for more with the characters, which is a good thing for fans of the series. For me, not sure I'd pick up another book about Clary and Jace. I think I've had my fill. 5/10
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