Monday, 1 November 2010

100 Followers Contest! [EDITED]

Contest now CLOSED! Winner will be announced tomorrow.

Important EDIT: I know of at least two people who've tried to submit their entries today (1st Nov) and it's not gone through. If you are uncertain as to whether it's gone through or not (you should get a message saying it has been) please email me the relevant details instead at cemsbooks(at)gmail(dot)com with '100 followers giveaway' as the subject. Please remember to include links for extra entries or they won't count!! Thank you and apologies for the issues, they're out of my hands.

Looks! I have 100 Followers!! I want to say a massive thank you to all of you for following, as I seriously didn't think I'd reach this day when I started. I love sharing my thoughts on the books I'm reading and I'm happy to know others find them interesting as well. I've also made some great new friends via this for whom I'm very grateful.

As a thank you, I'm offering up the chance for one of you to win a book(s) of your choice from Book Depository up to $15! (or alternatively a $15 GC to, winners choice). So if BookDepos ship to you, you can enter! Check the list here to be sure.

You must be a follower to enter this! As it's a thank you to my followers this is only fair.
Old followers + 4 entries ('old' is anyone prior to this being posted 1/11/2010)
New followers +2
Extra entries for blogging or tweeting this giveaway, or for adding my button to your side bar! Just be sure it links back here to this post.

Open until November 21st midnight GMT. I'll announce the winner here on the blog the next day and will have 48 hours to contact me.

You must fill in the form below to enter! Comments won't count as entry, but are always welcome!

Important EDIT: I know of at least two people who've tried to submit their entries today (1st Nov) and it's not gone through. If you are uncertain as to whether it's gone through or not (you should get a message saying it has been) please email me the relevant details instead at cemsbooks(at)gmail(dot)com with '100 followers giveaway' as the subject. Please remember to include links for extra entries or they won't count!! Thank you and apologies for the issues, they're out of my hands.

If you completed any extra early entries, I will add these on myself. They are saved and noted alongside email addresses that were left and will be checked against entries and added in before the winner is selected by


Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

What a generous giveaway! ..I am an absolute twitter MORON and I don't know how to get the direct link to one of my tweets :( And I'm not sure if my entry went in or not? :( I pressed 'submit' but it didn't say your entry had been submitted. I don't know what to do!

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

YAY CEM!! Congrats on the 100 Followers!!!

Claire (Cem) said...

Thankies Jess :D

@Clover I tweeted you about entries :)

Unknown said...

Indeed, a generous giveaway. Congrats on reaching 100 followers.

Elaine G said...

Congrats on 100 followers!

A Story Untold said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway, Cem!
I may have submitted twice by mistake, sorry about that :)

Honey said...

Congrats and thanks for the great giveaway!

Avery said...

Thanks for the great contest!

Miss Page-Turner said...

Thanks for your giveaway! And for making it international, yay!:) Hope my answers have been recorded,need to win:D
Congrats on the followers:)

And don't forget to check out my giveaway...just click here!

Maidenveil said...

awesome! congrats on your 100 followers. thanks for the giveaway. new follower here. :)

-Len of Musings of a Reader Happy

Kelly aka yllektra(I Work For Books) said...

Wow, congrats for all your followers, that's pretty great! XD

And thanks so much for this giveaway!

jeanette8042 said...

Thanks for the great giveaway and congrats on all the followers!

Klemocius said...

Thank you for this great contest :D

Pisinat said...

Thanks for the contest :)

Sugar and Snark said...

Thanks so much for a brilliant giveaway!!