Monday 31 May 2010

In Reading Mode

Having CFS/ME means there are times where reading is really tough for me. But there are times where I'm doing just a little better and I get in to this groove where I can read and read. Well, not all day every day, but lots and lots and it's all I want to do. I'm in one of those right now, and it means I'm reading without reviewing. Apologies.

Right now I owe revies for the second Demon Princess book from Michelle Rowen 'Reign check' (which I really enjoyed), the first in Jenna Black's new Faeriewalker series 'Glimmerglass' (which I adoreded) and Devon Monk's first Allie Beckstorm book 'Magic to the Bone' (which I also loved). And I'm starting on J. R. Ward's Dark Lover tonight.

I will try and get the reviews for the first three up tomorrow, but apologies if I don't, because I really want to make the most of feeling good enough to read so much right now :)

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